2023 Lesson Series

2023 Lesson Series

Our world is in trouble. Every year, evil seems to keep getting worse. Even here in America, lies are taught as truth, traditional values are forgotten, and religion in general is on the decline. Things seem pretty hopeless.


But there is a solution. We need to get back to the Bible.


This year we invite you to be a part of a revolution. Not of anything new, but a return to something very old. Put down your phone and pick up your Bible. Think about what it says. Read it to your family. What changed the world 2000 years ago can change it again – and we want you to be a part of it.


Our church has been a part of the community for over 20 years. We are growing, and it’s because people just like you think it’s time to get back to what we’ve lost. Join us for a series of reflections on the church in America, our approach to the Bible, and what worship has become. If we are going to change things, it’s got to start with you.